Sunday, September 15, 2013

Bits of the world

    Today I went to see my friend Bonny, to take her an invitation. While I was there, she gave me some sand she had collected for me while she was visiting Utah. I was thrilled to add her sand to my collection.

    I don't think I've talked about my sand collection in a long time, so here goes. When our friends travel, I ask them to bring me home some sand. Just a small amount, enough to fill two tic tac containers is plenty. I put it in a small jar and label it, then add it to my shelf.

    Over the years, I have gotten quite a collection! Sand not only from these United States, but international as well. Here is a photo of all the jars from my shelf.

    I don't think you can read the labels, but some of the countries are: Italy, Ireland, Russia and Poland. I have sand from Oregon, and California, as well as New Jersey and the southwest too. Even a couple of places in Utah, and the Grand Canyon! Some of these I've collected myself. Most are from understanding and indulgent friends.

    I think my favorite thing about looking at the sand is how different the colors are! We have red from Sedona, Az., and black volcanic sand from one of the islands, as well as white sand from the same island! As well as every shade of tan and brown, and shades of pink.

   Of all the sands I have, my very favorite one is the red from Sedona. It's the softest sand there is. It feels like baby powder. There's a funny story about the black sand. When I received it, it was very damp. I wanted it dry inside my bottle, so I laid it out carefully on a paper towel on a plate, and put it in the microwave. You can guess what happened. It actually set the paper towel on fire. In my defense, I didn't want to put it outside, I figured the wind would blow it away. I guess I should have thought a bit harder about that.


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