Thursday, July 21, 2011

Job interview...

  It didn't start off too great. I got to the store a little early, so I could cool off in the a.c. before the interview. At the appointed time, I presented myself to the cashier, who paged the gentleman I was supposed to see. He told her to tell me to go back to the classroom, he would meet me there. I ended up waiting nearly 20 minutes for this guy, getting really annoyed, thinking it was a test of some sort, watching me to see what I would do... Then I thought he didn't want to interview me because he saw the head scarf, and was waiting for me to give up and leave.... When he finally came, he apologised, there had been a customer emergency, she had lost something valuable and was freaking out. Whatever. He is looking to replace some college students who will be going back to school next month, and remembered my application because I was available all hours, every day. So now I wait for him to call me sometime next month.
   As long as I was down there, I went to Barnes and Noble and picked up an application from them too. Might as well, right? 'Cause if I'm not crocheting or knitting, I'm reading!! While I was there, I scored a copy of Llewellyns 2012 Magical Almanac. I can't wait to crack it open and see what's going on in there!
    Now, if y'all will excuse me, the Club Scheffler pool is callin' to me!  I need to cool down and relax a bit. Driving the Jeep, even with the top down, was a bit like riding through Hell, it's that hot out there! Stay cool, everybody!

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