Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A necessary change

    The last time I went to Joann's Fabric and Crafts to buy the flattened plastic rings that I use to make the Lazy Person's Cat Toy, they were nowhere to be found. I know I wrote about the drama, I just wanted to refresh your memory.

    At that time, I bought some different plastic rings. They were a little smaller, and round not flattened. I still used two of them to make the cat toys. Well, recently I decided to try Michaels and see what they had to offer. They had some rings that were the right size, but made of wood instead of plastic.

   I feel that wood is a good substitute for plastic, as it shouldn't hurt the kitties teeth to chew on it. I would never use metal rings. I just finished making a toy with the new rings. I only need one, which means I get more toys per package of rings. Yay. That's a good thing. And the new toy is Ozzy tested and approved. I will always Ozzy test them, if he won't play with it, I won't sell it.

    P.S. Today my daughter and her beloved husband celebrate their 3rd wedding anniversary. I'm so happy for them! She recently had another sonogram, they are still saying it looks like a boy. Here it is...

    Now, at first I couldn't make heads or tails of this. But just today, I think I see his face, in profile, up near the top. He's so cute, I can tell already. His mom was a beautiful baby, and his dad was absolutely adorable from the photos I've seen.  I can't wait to meet him.

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