Sunday, March 31, 2013

our most recent trip

    We got home just a few days ago from our most recent trip. You might have guessed we weren't home, there were little hints in the posts I wrote while we were away. This time Hubs had to attend training outside of Boston. We were there about twelve days.

    This time, we weren't alone. Hubs' co-worker Jason attended as well, and his girlfriend came along too. So there the four of us were. I got a lot of knitting done this trip. But we had some fun as well.

   We went up to Nashua, New Hampshire to go shopping one evening. And they both came with us to the karate tournament that Saturday. It was held in a hotel only about eighteen miles from our hotel, so of course we went! That was one loooong Saturday!

    It's nice to be away from home for a while, but it's always sweet to finally get home. I was so happy to finally sleep in my own bed. I had brought my pillow from home, so at least I had that. But I didn't bring my body pillow. I made do with some of the many pillows that the hotel provided.

    I was afraid that our cat, Ozzy, would be really pissed at us when we got home. After all, I had reports from the people that we had checking on him that he was attacking them. I think he was mad that they weren't his mommy and daddy. Ozzy was, in fact, very happy to see us! He hasn't left me alone since then. The first night, he came into our bedroom four separate times, meowing loudly, and woke me up. I talked to him, but he wouldn't stop. Eventually he left the room. It's like he was reassuring himself that we were really home.

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