Thursday, March 15, 2012

It is not my fault....

   It is totally not my fault if Winter comes roaring back in full force. I know I have mentioned the mild weather, if only to point out that someone screwed it up, and it got cold. Well, now another, pretty-well-known-in-some-circles, blogger has gone and talked about it too. So if I talk about the extremely mild Winter we've just had, it is totally not my fault. The fact that she lives in Canada, where the Winters are so much more harsh than where I live, and is talking about it, means that it must truly be over. But if it's not, it's not my doing. It is hers.

   Now I can talk about how utterly delighted I have been that we have had hardly any snow. the most was 3 - 4 inches in one storm, and it didn't last. Yay for that. And it didn't get bone-chillingly cold, well below zero, for weeks at a time. Yay for that too!
I didn't get sick, or get pneumonia, or anything else this Winter, a double yay for that!

   For the second or third day in a row now, the temperature is unseasonable warm. I even broke out my sandals. I went to babysit, and didn't bring a sweater or jacket. I did on Monday morning, because it was pretty early, and still chilly at that hour. The flowers are even starting to come up at a friend's house. More than one friend has this happening, I have no doubt.

   All in all, I am very happy we had such a very mild Winter. And so far, it looks like it will be a relatively short Spring, and we will jump directly into a hot Summer season. Hubs is already talking about putting the air conditioner back in our bedroom window. I still say it's too early yet. There's time.

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