Sunday, October 28, 2012

Battening Down the Hatches

   So here we are, once again waiting for a big, bad hurricane to hit. This one seems like it's going to be quite a bit worse than the one last year. So we have stocked up on water, and Hubs finally found someone who still had some candles. We already have a wind-up radio, now all we need to do is find our favorite backgammon set.

    We used to play backgammon every night, when we were working together. Usually at lunch, from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. Hopefully all this storm nonsense will blow over quickly, and the power won't be out for too long.

    That reminds me, I need to go dig out the propane powered coffee maker that we bought after the last big power outage. Remember the time when the whole North East and part of Canada was out? I had seen the coffee maker with the camping stuff in Dick's, and said to Hubs, "Seriously? A coffee maker?" Then after we lost power, I would have killed for one. Shortly after that, we bought one. This will be the first time we'll use it.

    I can live without many things, for a time, like a hot shower, and television, but I can't live without my chocolate coffee!

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