Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Holy Crap, This Pattern is Complicated....

    I knew it would be smart to try and start this pattern before spending the money on the yarn. I am about 4 rows in, and already completely confused. According to the pattern, I'm adding stitches before and after every stitch marker, and at the same time, adding stitches at the beginning and end, on the right side rows. Each group of additions is done at different row intervals. I need about four row counters for this one, one for each specific kind of addition!

    As awesome as this sweater looks, it may be beyond my capabilities. This totally discourages me. I hope to get some help from my knitting expert friend. I am going to try really hard not to give up on this project. I know I can do it, if I can just get the details straight. After the top, it's just straight knitting in the round. Cross your fingers for me, will you? And send me good wishes....


  1. Good wishes: check
    Nagging: Did you pursue answers about your limbs and the temperature variance? Vascular...

    Nagging/Caring: check

  2. Not yet. I will see Dr. next month. Promise....
