Saturday, April 6, 2013

Living a spontaneous life

    I learned a long time ago, that when I made firm plans for anything, that something, somehow, would frack the whole thing up. So I try to live spontaneously. I know that there are certain things that you have to plan. Like Doctor appointments and stuff like that. But I try not to plan too many things. I like to do what comes along.

    As a side effect of this, sometimes there are times that you have to do many things in a single day. Yesterday was one of those days for me. It started out innocently enough, with the Stitch n Bitch ladies meeting for breakfast and knitting/crocheting.

    Thursday, I was supposed to go to my mom's and help her do some more packing for her move next week. I ended up not going, I really didn't feel well. So I told her I'd come on Friday, after Stitch n Bitch.

    Then I got a phone call, and had to squeeze a meeting in between these two things. After the meeting, I was to call mom, and I did some shopping for her. Mom took me over to see her new apartment. It is small, but beautifully finished, and she will be very happy there. In the end I finally got home, somehow, before Hubs got home from work. I was so tired, I went to bed without even writing a post for the day.

     As I am writing this, it doesn't seem like much to squeeze into a single day. But somehow, it was huge at the time. Considering that going to get the mail, or taking out the garbage, is usually the highlight of my day, doing that many things in one day, not to mention all the driving, was a lot to do. I drove from Hyde Park to Wappingers then to Fishkill, and back home again.

     But today, I am back to being spontaneous. I am going to lounge and then go out and run a few errands. I want to enjoy the beautiful Spring day.

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