Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tah Dah! One Down, One to Go!

    And here it is, the promised photo of the first finished pot holder!

    I altered the pattern slightly, as it was too short, more a rectangle than a square. I added rows at the bottom and top,  as well as one in the jaw part, and one between the top of the nose and the start of the eyes.

    I am pleased with how it came out, and have already started the second one. Yesterday, when we were out, I had Hubs stop at A.C. Moore and I ran in and got a different color for the second one. I am keeping the bright pink for myself.

    I worked on the second one last night, when I couldn't sleep. I went in to bed, tossed and turned for an hour, then came back out and took a med. I sat here, watching TV and crocheting until I finally felt sleepy. I think I went back in about 2:30.

    If I didn't mention it before, this project comes from The Happy Hooker, Stitch 'n Bitch Crochet, by Debbie Stoller. The actual potholders were designed by Kacy Fallon.

    I decided not to post photos of the second pot holder, to keep the color combo a secret, as my beloved daughter reads my blog...

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