Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Little Knitting, Mostly Mom

   What a roller coaster day this was! To start with, I think I knit about two rows on my shawl today. I got out of bed when my daughter texted me that she was going to the hospital to see her grandma. So I begged a ride, not being too proud. I got dressed and was ready when she got here.

   It was spooky; when we got to the hospital, and found her room, there was no one in there! So we waited, and waited some more. At one point I went out to the nurses station to ask someone where my mom was. I stood there, while a man sat on the other side of the counter, ignoring me. That lasted a few minutes. Finally another nurse came along, and I was able to ask her about my mom's whereabouts. She wandered off and didn't return.

   A while later, Sara went out for the same purpose. She was more successful! We discovered that mom was having some tests done, and should be back soon. The tests take about 45 minutes, and we had already been there almost 30. Shortly after that, mom made her appearance. She climbed back into her bed, and we finally got to visit.

   She told us that she definitely has to have her gall bladder out. The surgeon will come to see her Monday morning, so who knows when they can schedule it. Tuesday, maybe? She isn't happy about this at all. She kept saying that this isn't in her plans. We had to leave by 11:45, Sara and her Hubs were going to Albany to see the Cirque Du Soliel.  I hope I spelled it right!

   So when Hubs woke up this afternoon, we discussed what was happening with mom. I told him I needed to get to her apartment tomorrow, to get some more stuff she needs, and pick up her car and bring it home. That way, I can go get her and take her home in her own car when she is discharged. I will be staying with her a few days for her recuperation. 

   So Hubs suggested he drop me off there on his way to work. So that's what we did. I called her from her house, and got all the things she needs. I will take them to her tomorrow.  On the way home, I stopped at the grocery store and picked up a few things we needed. Now, it's after 8:00,  and my dinner is ready. And Doctor Who season finale comes on in less than a half an hour, so buh-bye!

   Hopefully there will be more knitting news tomorrow!

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