Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's Here, It's Here!

   Yesterday morning, I went and checked the mail at the Post Office. We don't get the mail at our house, our mailbox is across the street. It's absolutely treacherous to cross the road, so we got a Post Office box when we moved here. It's right down the road, so it's close.

   Waiting for me was a package! And in it was my beautiful new drop spindle! It is so very pretty, all pink and sparkly. And there was some fiber in the bag as well, I can't wait to get started. My spinning coach has a sick child, so I can't go see her, or I will get sick too. I was waiting until Stitch n Bitch this Friday, but it has been canceled because there is no school that day, and some of our members have elementary school age kiddies.

   So it seems I must resort to YouTube for an instructional video on how to get started. The problem is that on the now-lost spindle, my buddy Kim started it for me, and I didn't watch her do it. So this time, I am on my own.

   I have already done a search, and there are several videos that look like they could be useful to me.  I started to watch one, but it was for a bottom whorl spindle, and mine is a top whorl. So I will keep looking. I'm thinking that this will be fun!


  1. YAY!!! So excited for you. Keep it away from the crafty black hole. -Kim

  2. Don't you worry, I am keeping a very close eye on this one!!
