Wednesday, February 1, 2012

An Explanation of Perhaps My Biggest Quirk.

   My parents were both teachers, and I was always an avid reader. That may start to explain one of my quirks, one that I know drives at least one friend to distraction. I am an absolute nut about spelling, and the improper use of words. Specifically the homonyms like to, too and two; and their, there and they're. I know that there are more, but my mind isn't cooperating right now.

   It does drive me nuts. When I was on eBay, I wouldn't even buy anything from someone who couldn't bother to spell the words correctly. As soon as I saw a misspelled word, I stopped reading. Click, on the next one.

   Right now, I have a friend who is, I think, very unhappy with me. She will not use spell check, and doesn't care if her words are spelled correctly. She also constantly uses the wrong words, as mentioned in the first paragraph. In her case, it drives me especially nuts, because in my opinion, it makes her seem ignorant, when I know darn well that she's not!

   And I think that, right there, is the biggest thing for me. When words are misspelled, or the wrong word is used, it makes the person writing seem uneducated, or just plain ignorant.  I totally attribute my spelling skills to my avid reading. The more you read, the more you are exposed to different words and uses of words, as well as cultures and ideas.

   I believe I wrote a post, possibly last summer, about a book that was actually published, that was absolutely awful. It seemed like it was written by a ten year old. I couldn't even read it. I was moved to send an email to the publisher, it bothered me so much. I think it was because I paid good money for it, and it was like the proof reader turned it in with out even reading it!  The publisher never bothered to answer my email.

    OK, I'm done. Put me back in my cage now. It's time for another cuppa coffee...

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