Friday, May 11, 2012

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

   Yesterday, I read a blog that I follow, in which she talks about having Lupus. And May is Lupus awareness month. In my infinite foolishness, I tweeted to her that at least her disease had an awareness month, that to my knowledge mine did not.  That was the Open Mouth part of the story. The target was painted on my back at that moment...

   Shortly after I tweeted that, I started thinking about it. I decided to Google it, to see if there is a Sarcoidosis awareness month. It turns out that there is indeed an awareness month for Sarcoidosis, and I just missed it! April is my month. I totally panicked, didn't know what to do. And there is the Insert Foot. I texted friend Kim, who informed me that I could delete that tweet, which I did, tout suite. I inserted that foot so hard and so far that I am still gagging.

   So here I am apologising to Miss Vicious, who probably has it a lot worse than me. I can do nearly everything I want to, just slower. And as an aside to Miss V, it's not the end of the world if you lose your hair. My Hubs still loves me just fine without mine.

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