Thursday, November 3, 2011

And Now For Something Completely Different

   Today, or perhaps I should say yesterday, I decided to wind the yarn for my bornday shawl kit. I had started girding my loins to try knitting it. After reading through the pattern directions, however, I became totally intimidated again. Thank the wool Goddess for my friend Kim, who finally convinced me that, with her help, I can do it.

   I started it yesterday afternoon. I promptly needed help, as I had not followed the directions  correctly. I took my WIP, hat in hand, to my good knitting buddy, who soon set it all right. Whew! I need to take a more recent photo, but I do have one from before Kim fixed it. The white marker is where I had missed a yarn over.

   Now, it's bigger, but not much. Knitting lace is hard, mostly because of the small needles. I do prefer to work on larger needles. And Those markers for the center stitch? They turned out to be hard to work with, so I've switched to the beautiful markers made by KnitGlassGuy that I got for my bornday.

   I also made a really nice hat from the yarn left over from the sweater, to wear when I wear the sweater! Here's a photo of that, before it was completed.

   On another topic entirely, I remembered something I learned a while ago. Do you know the purpose of eyelashes? Neither did I! But after I lost most of mine, I figured out at least one use for them.  I discovered that when you have eyelashes, and you tear up, the lashes wick them away, so they can run down your cheek. This happened to me, I started crying, and in the eye without lashes, the tears just kind of hung out there, and made my vision blurry. The side that had lashes, the tears were running down my cheek!

   It was one of those TA - DA moments. And since most people have all their lashes, it's not something they ever think about. My eyelashes have grown back since then, but sometimes you learn stuff in the oddest way!

   Another night that I am having trouble sleeping. I don't get it. I thought I was fine, went to bed at 10:30 or so, and the next thing I know, it's 3 a.m. and I'm wide awake. After an hour, I decided to get out of bed, and here I am writing my blog. I am not sure if I should go back to bed, I have a dentist appointment this morning. Ah, the heck with it, I'm gonna try and get some more sleep. Hubs will be getting up in an hour to go to class for work again today. Until next time!

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