Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Random Ramblings

   Last night, I was craving something, and I couldn't figure out what it was. I hate when that happens! I talked to Hubs, one thing led to another, and in the end, I decided to try and invent my own recipe for a sort of chocolate truffle tart or even pie. I looked up on the food network website how to make ganache and chocolate truffles. They are basically made the same way.

   While looking for those recipes, I found a recipe from Paula Deen for a chocolate truffle pie. Sounds like just what I want! So I will try it soon. The whole thing started because I bought a chocolate cream pie for Hubs for Thanksgiving dinner. I love the whipped cream topping, but am not fond of the pudding part. I want something denser, and that's where the truffle part came in.

   I don't remember what my original idea for my post was! I know I had one when I woke up this morning, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was.

   Last night, Hub mentioned that I seemed a bit restless. He said he thought it was from Farmville withdrawal. I disagree! Facebook withdrawal, maybe, but not farmville withdrawal! It's probably internet or laptop withdrawal. He said I didn't need to stop completely, he was just concerned that I wasn't doing anything else.

   Hopefully today, I can get a shot of Hubs' newly finished tattoo. I may have mentioned it before, but I am jealous! I am the only member of the family who doesn't have Cookie's artwork on my skin!  I'm hoping that I get a gift certificate for Christmas.

   I have two ideas on what I want for my next tattoo. The first is an old drawing of Winnie the Pooh, sitting sideways with his face in a "HUNNY" jar. I have always loved that picture. I like the old, original drawings of Pooh and friends, not the newer "Disney-fied" ones. The second is the symbol from the TV show "Charmed". I know what it is, but can't spell it or say it. Triskele, or something like that.  And I want it in colors, not just black. Like purple on the outside, fading to reddish in the middle.

   And I don't want a tattoo that's big, either. Just a few inches across will do. Pooh, I'd like on my upper arm, or lower leg. The Triskele thing, at the base of my neck, upper back. That's where my daughter has her tree. She and her hubs have similar tree tattoos, his is small, and intricate, on his arm, with the roots crossing the bend in his elbow. His tree is really pretty, and has Sara's initials in the roots. Her tree is bigger, with green leaves. It also has his initials in the roots! That is such a neat concept!

   My Hubs has said he would want an old, dead stump instead of a tree, with my initials in the roots. Haha, but it's a cute idea.  He has his initials, and our sons initials, worked into a tribal band that encircles his right arm. He says he won't have my name ina tattoo, because it's serious bad luck. Everyone he's ever known who has their significant other's name in a tattoo have broken up. Tattoos are permanent. But I think initials are ok, especially if they are hidden, and not easily seen.

   OK, I think that's enough rambling for today. It seems like I have a lot on my mind today, but I have things to do, so I'd better get my ass in gear.

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