Monday, December 26, 2011

My Multi-Generational Family Holiday Dinner Report

   This afternoon, my mom hosted our multi generational family holiday dinner. In attendance: Mom, her 2 children (my brother and myself), our spouses, my three children, their two spouses and one girlfriend, my young nephew (his sister couldn't come, she had to work), and my two beautiful grandbabies.
   We all met at a Diner near mom's house. This tradition was started by my late mother-in-law Betty, when it became too much for her to cook for us on Christmas eve. At the time, there was only her husband Tom, my Hubs, myself, and our two kids. We expanded to include my mom, and after Betty passed, my mom took up the reins and added all of her family.
   We had a great meal, and afterwards, we adjourned to mom's for coffee, dessert, and presents. We had decided in advance that only the kids would get presents this year, as money is tight for all of us. We had a good time at moms, watching the little ones opening their gifts. We laughed and shared stories.
   I finally got a chance to grab my oldest son and examine his fingers. I do this for a reason! A few months ago, I discovered that my index fingers are twisted at the top. I had never noticed this before! When I asked my youngest son Jesse, he laughed and held up his hands. His fingers are the same way, only much more so, I think because of the years of karate. (BTW, it's 12 years tomorrow since his very first class) I then asked my daughter about her fingers, and hers too are twisted! Then we went to mom, and hers are twisted too. So I can lay the blame squarely on her shoulders for this one.
   James had never noticed, but his fingers are twisted also, but only slightly. So my mom passed her twisted fingers down to all of us! I hope it made James feel even more of a connection to the rest of us. He was taken from me by his father when we divorced when James was small. We only recently reconnected, about 5 years ago, six months before his wedding. It's been difficult, but worth it. He is the father of my two beautiful grandbabies.

   Now I am exhausted, so I am going to bed very soon! Good night to you all, and I hope you had a terrific holiday!

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