Monday, December 19, 2011

Tattoo Photo and Rambling Thoughts

   As promised, here's a photo of Hubs' newest tattoo. He finally let me take the photo yesterday. It's been ready for a while, it's just that when I wanted to take the photo, he was in too much of a hurry. Going to work, or something...

    There's not much else to talk about today. I have in my head a short list of Christmas presents I need to buy. That's right, I haven't started shopping yet. Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it. It sucks being broke. To lighten the mood, I have here a new photo of my cat. His name is Ozzy, and was named after "the" Ozzy. He was a wild man when he came to live with us. He talked a lot, I think because he came from a house that was full of cats. He talked to get attention. He is the only cat in our house, and he still talks all the time. I love hearing it.

   He doesn't look like he's 10 or 11 years old, does he? It's hard for me to remember he is that old. He does still act like a kitten. Although, he has started chasing his tail all the time. That is usually a kitten thing, but he never did that when he was a kitten! Even then, he was very dignified. In the above photo, he's laying on an afghan I made about 20 years ago. It was on our bed, Hubs was using it, but he brought it out to the living room because he was cold.

    Time to sign off, I'm getting delirious. Night!

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