Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Knitting Report / Blanket Update

   Today I have managed to take a few new photos of my progress working on the blanket for my future next grandchild.  I am very pleased at how much I've managed to get done! Here is the last known photo of the blanket's progress:

   That was last week, I believe. Since then, I've been working on it as often as I can. When I'm babysitting, I work on it when the princess is napping. At home, I'm working on it while watching TV, either with Hubs or without. And now for the most recent photo! :

   Sorry about the blurriness of the photo, it seems my hands shake a little after only a couple of pictures. But at least you can see how big the blanket is!  I have even started a second skein of yarn, and it's getting used up, I may need the third one I bought.

   I am looking forward to finishing this thing, let me tell you! Now we just have to wait for the news. I am excited, my friend Kim will help me make baby stuff. I told her today, she gets to make the lacy blanket, since I suck at lace knitting, and she's really good at it.

   I don't recall if I ever mentioned that I a knitting this blanket because knitted fabric is lighter than crochet. I already have some crocheted blankets put away, and I wanted a few knitted ones so no matter what season the baby will be born in, he or she will have the right weight blankets all ready and waiting for him/her.

   I also would like to make the Baby Surprise Sweater by Elizabeth Zimmermann for baby as well. That will probably be next on the schedule. Then all we have to do is sit and wait for the news...

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