Monday, June 11, 2012

The Best Intentions

    This morning, I woke up at 4:15. In the A.M. That in itself isn't unusual, but on the nights when Hubs is home, it can be a problem. See, he has trouble switching gears from working nights/sleeping days to sleeping nights/being awake days. Last night, he took a nap, and woke up around 1 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep.

    Unfortunately for me, he isn't comfortable sitting in the living room to watch TV in the middle of the night. This means that while I am sleeping, he's watching TV in the bedroom. Which is fine. Until I wake up. Then, especially after 3 a.m., I require quiet and dark to get back to sleep. I would use the ear plugs he got for me, but then I wouldn't hear my alarm go off at 5:45.

    I feel in all fairness, I should tell you about his sleeping. During his work week, he sleeps during the day, and our bedroom is nearly completely darkened. Once he goes to bed, I make every effort NOT to go in there, so he won't be disturbed. I even keep most of my clothes in another room, so I don't even have to go in there to get dressed. Even our living room is darkened, because you have to go through it to get to the bathroom.

   So it's really frustrating for me not to get the same consideration. There are times when he does go into the living room for a while, usually to smoke one of his cigars. He won't smoke in the bedroom. I have asked him to turn off the TV while he's gone. He did it once. The first time. After that time, he hasn't done it. I think he feels it makes more noise if he turns the TV off, then on again when he comes back in.

    So the nights that I have to get up so early the next morning, I usually don't get very good sleep. Like last night. And I still have to go through my whole day on less than the optimum amount of sleep. With any kind of luck, I will be able to get to bed a little early tonight. Especially since I need to get up at 5:45. again. tomorrow.

    Don't get me wrong, I love Hubs dearly, and can not imagine my life without him. He makes unimaginable sacrifices for our family. 

    So,wish me luck, please. This reminds me of a post I saw on facebook, "I try not to plan my days, because then the word "premeditated" gets thrown around in court..." That one made me laugh! I always try to not make plans, just because when I do, the Fates step in to ruin everything. I rather prefer living spontaneously anyway.


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