Thursday, June 28, 2012

In which I find a new project to do!

    After much soul and stash searching, I have finally found a new project. A certain very cute Puerto Rican man has a young son. Once upon a time he asked me to make a blanket for this youngster. At the time, I refused. I was working on lots of different things, and didn't have the inclination to start an afghan.

    Well, ladies and gentlemen, that worm has turned. I was searching for something to make, and this request came to mind. So I went and visited with the daddy in question today. It turns out that his son would love a blanket in the very color that I have in abundance! As soon as I got home, I began to crochet.

    On the way home, I was momentarily distracted by a sign on a local nail salon here in town. It stated - "Come in for a Spa Pdeicure". Now, this sign so distracted me, that as I was sitting at a red light, I very nearly forgot to go when the light turned green again! I got involved considering the possibilities. Store keeper can't read? Store employee doesn't care? Store personnel can't read English? And no one has informed anyone in this establishment of the error on their signage? It boggles the mind.

    I am, without a doubt, absolutely bonkers when it comes to spelling and things. It could come from both my parents being teachers. Or it could come from a lifetime of reading. But either way, I go totally nuts when I see spelling mistakes, especially when the people who wrote it are supposedly college educated.  Like engineers!

    I worked for many years in the semiconductor industry, with all these supposedly smart engineers who couldn't spell to save their lives. They would make up these forms we were supposed to fill out, and misspell words! On official company documents! Makes me mad, I tell you, mad!!  >>breathe in, breathe out<<  OK, I'm calmer now.

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