Saturday, June 9, 2012

Stitch n Bitch Report, a Day Late...

    Yesterday, we had our weekly Stitch n Bitch at Cranberry's. As usual, we had a great breakfast, and got down to business. This week, OFL (our fearless leader) was absent, due to her Cherub staying home from school due to illness.

    Jan and I carried on as best we could. Cheryl came too! Jan is working on a new shawl with beads. Her progress is slow, due to having lots of work to do. She has made great strides, however, since switching over to Addi Lace needles. She was having trouble dropping stitches and things, then OFL told her about the stickiness of the Addi Lace needles. She switched, and is now very happy!

    I was working on the new denim blue blanket. I have made great strides myself, but am now a day behind since I spent the whole day today at the local high school for the karate tournament. I was gone before Hubs got home, and didn't get home until after he left again for work! So I didn't get to see him today! I don't like that at all.

     That's it for now, I'm exhausted. I need to get some rest. Look for a karate tournament report here tomorrow! I will try not to brag too much, but it'll be really hard. After all, my son is awesome!

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