Sunday, January 1, 2012

Celebrations and Resolutions

   Welcome to 2102! I had a very nice evening with Hubs, and I am glad to report that things did not go exactly as I worried they would. He did indeed stay up when he got home from work, but he didn't go to bed in the afternoon! He managed to stay up and conscious through my dinner, and through the whole evening! He started to fade around 10 pm, but he said that he's made it this far, he wasn't going to quit until we see the ball drop.

   We did skip the Champagne, however; Hubs thought that might push him over the edge into oblivion. His exhaustion turned contagious, and by the time the ball dropped, we were both tucked into bed! We managed a kiss at midnight, then I'm sure I promptly fell asleep. My poor Hubs had been up for 32 hours, and I was sure he would sleep a good portion of today. However, he just got up and is sitting here next to me drinking coffee. What a nice surprise!

   It is traditional to make resolutions at the New Year. Most are unreal expectations, and never kept. I usually don't make resolutions, as I try to be the best person I can be all year long.  This year, I did resolve to try and be more patient. But I do that every year, and not just at the New Year.

   So let this New Year be a better one that the last. Many of my facebook friends have gone through some really horrible, life changing things this past year, and I am proud to say they have all survived and even thrived. The Human spirit will not be put down no matter what gets thrown in our way!

    There are some mean spirited people in this world. You know, the ones who quit when things get difficult? Then they like to bad mouth others. All the while proclaiming how wonderful and righteous they are, and they come off sounding like pseudo intellectuals.

   Well, this is another resolution I find myself making this year. To forgive these people. I will never understand them, but if they want to live in fairytale land, that's their business. This is not something I usually talk about, I prefer to leave them to their own devices. This will be the last time you hear of this from me. I hope.

   Anyway, Happy New Year!! May all go well for you this year, and may you learn the lessons you are supposed to learn. Blessed be!

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