Sunday, September 18, 2011

In Which I Make Venison Chili

   I really am far too tired for this today. I have had a busy busy day. Woke up early when hubs came home, and started making my venison chili around 9 o'clock. It took a long time, as there was so much meat. I used about four pounds of ground venison this time, in the really big pot.

   It seemed to take forever for all that meat to brown. Then I added all the cans of black beans, tomato soup and tomato sauce, three cans each. It was a lot easier to stir after I added those! I used all the chili powder I had, more than half of the bottle. It could have used some more, but when Hubs went to Stewart's, he said they didn't have any. But I added a few extra things, like a little bit of cinnamon, and some Montreal Steak seasoning. Sometimes I look through my cupboards and see what looks good. I wanted to add a very small bottle of brandy that I found, but Hubs said no experimenting...

   After it cooks for a while, I add the last, secret ingredient. Vinegar! Quite a bit, since it was such a big pot. Sometimes I use different types of vinegar, I have tried Balsamic, which was rich and yummy. I have also tried wine vinegar, and apple cider vinegar too. I think I've even used malt vinegar once or twice. But usually I stick to plain, old white vinegar.

   My chili isn't the hot kind. It's a just a little bit spicy, but even my uncle who had an ulcer could eat it. I forgot to tell you! While the meat is browning, I add the pepper, and herbs. I use oregano and basil. I make my chili without onions, since Hubs doesn't like them. I do use plenty of onion powder, though. I also used to put chopped bell peppers in too, but my first husband didn't like those, so they came out. Sometimes I sneak in some dried chopped onions, since they usually dissolve, and Hubs never knows they were there!

   So we ate a lot at the Ti Yogi Bow Club Pork Roast. There's always lots of food, and they have a 3-D shoot also. Hubs' friend Gene does the cooking of the pork. He has a big BBQ grill he made out of an oil tank. It's on wheels, and he can tow it where it's needed. He is a really good cook, his pulled pork is awesome. Other members of the club bring other stuff, like desserts, and salads. (and venison chili).

   After all the raffle drawings were done, we left. Hubs has been up since yesterday afternoon, and worked last night. He never went to sleep today, although he is probably sleeping now. We came home, and brought all our stuff inside. Then I left again, I had to make a yarn run to Michael's. It was successful.
   Now I have all the yarn I need to finish the now-famous hurricane-ghan and the second of the two afghans for the granddaughters. Yippee Skippee!

   And now I definitely feel a nap coming on! Good night!

1 comment:

  1. I read it your blog too.:) It's well written and you keep it fun.
